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內容簡介: Mega Goal is a dynamic American English series for international communication designed for teenagers and young adults that takes students from absolute beginners to high-intermediate level. The Intro level and Books 1-6 integrate the four skills, pre博客來網路書店sent the grammar in context, and help students develop natural conversation. With eye-catching art and high-interest topics, Mega Goal is easy and enjoyable to teach and to learn from.
Features:* Unit openers, enhanced by attractive and contemporary illustrations, help students make visual connections and retain the new language.
* Units are thematic and contain high-interest topics that relate to students' age and interests.
* A consistent unit format makes navigation clear and predictable.
* The Grammar section offers succinct explanations, followed by activities t博客來hat reinforce the grammar points presented.
* Interactive Conversations allow students to choose or make up th博客來網路書局eir own endings.
* Vocabulary development occurs throughout and everyday expressions are explained in the Real Talk feature.
* Sections on Pronunciation, Listening, and Writing are included in each unit.
* Readings and Projects at the end of each unit allow students to experience real world situations.
* Commercial-quality songs enable students to expand their language in a pleasant way.
* Learning strategies and critical thinking skills prepare students for success.
* Humor and cross-cultural information and values are present throughout the series.
像我一樣勇敢:被FIRED也是一種祝福 | TOP研究的必修課:學術基礎研究理論 | ||
成功的捷徑與脈絡 | 多努力一點,離成功就更近一點! | ||
大蕭條中的箴言 | 人文心靈的對話 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Manuel Dos Santos
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2010/05/19
- 語言:英文
賺到買到Mega Goal (2) with Audio CDs-3片心得分享
魯迅經典小說集02:徬徨 | 網路英雄 | 撒哈拉之心 | |||
雨 | 我在南方的家(博客來獨家限量簽名書) | 老生 | |||
配音 | 請給我幾分鐘 | 黃昏裡的男孩(新版) |
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防癌症化療紅腫 細胞保護劑找到了~
魏毓宏表示,本計畫主要針對天然化合物-四氫嘧啶進行研究開發,四氫嘧啶不僅可穩定細胞內蛋白質和其他細胞的結構,及防止蘭格罕氏細胞(Langerhans cells)下降和減少紫外線引起的 DNA 鏈斷裂,同時亦可抑制動物體內酪胺酸酶活性。此外,四氫嘧啶因具結合水分子的獨特性能,故可滋潤皮膚。
四氫嘧啶也可作為癌症化療時細胞保護劑。魏毓宏表示,四氫嘧啶因具保護生物細胞,包括穩定酶、核酸、DNA 和完整細胞等功效,即使皮膚長期暴露輻射下,四氫嘧啶亦具有抗輻射暨保護細胞 DNA 結構。
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