獨家款Top Notch (Fundamentals) with Take-Home Super CD-ROM-1片 and MyTopNotchLab瘋狂驚喜

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獨家款Top Notch (Fundamentals) with Take-Home Super CD-ROM-1片 and MyTopNotchLab瘋狂驚喜曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。




內容簡介: Top Notch, a dynamic 6-level course for international communication, sets a new standard, using the natural language that people really speak. With a rock-solid learner-centered approach, Top Notch provides students an opportunity to confirm their own progress at the end of every easy-to-teach two-page lesson.

Features of Top Notch Fundamentals博客來書店.Essential model conversations that make key social language unforgettable and easy to personalize

.Intensive vocabulary development with active 博客來recycling

.Complete grammar support–extended by a bound-in Vocabulary Booster

.“Top Notch Interactions”–unique step-by-step discussion builders that guarantee success for all learners

.Thorough attention to pronunciation

.A wide array of learning strategies and activities that promote critical thinking

.Authentic and refreshing content that connects students to the real world

作者簡介Joan SaslowJoan Saslow is the author of a number of textbook series for adults and young adults, including Ready to Go, Workplace Plus, and Literacy Plus. She was also the Series Director of True Colors: An EFL Course for Real Communication, and of True Voices, an EFL video course. Ms. Saslow’s 博客來網路書店special interest is in distinguishing the needs of the EFL and ESL learner and creating materials appropriate for each. Ms. Saslow has taught in Chile and the United States in a variety of programs, including binational centers, academic programs, intensive language programs, and workplace programs. Ms. Saslow has been an editor, a teacher-trainer, a language learner, and a frequent speaker at gatherings of English teachers throughout the world.

Allen AscherAllen Ascher, formerly Director of the International English Language Institute at Hunter College, has been a teacher, teacher-trainer, author, and publisher. He has taught in language and teacher-training programs in both China and the United States. Mr. Ascher has an MA in Applied Linguistics from Ohio University. Mr. Ascher is author of Think About Editing: A Grammar Editing Guide for ESL Writers. As a publisher, he played a key role in the creation of some of the most widely used materials for adults. Mr. Ascher has provided lively workshops for teachers throughout the United States, Asia, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East.




像經濟學家 一樣思考


Why Not:創意之樂

積極思維Positive Thinking

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2009/12/24
  • 語言:英文

獨家款Top Notch (Fundamentals) with Take-Home Super CD-ROM-1片 and MyTopNotchLab瘋狂驚喜










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獨家款Top Notch (Fundamentals) with Take-Home Super CD-ROM-1片 and MyTopNotchLab瘋狂驚喜


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