每日主打Top Notch (Fundamentals) TV Video Course獨家款
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推薦大家一本語言學習好書每日主打Top Notch (Fundamentals) TV Video Course獨家款全書的內容大意
每日主打Top Notch (Fundamentals) TV Video Course獨家款曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: The four-level Top Notch TV Video Cour博客來se builds both listening comprehension skills and productive language skills.
Each level of Top Notch TV consists of a hilarious TV-style situation comedy and authentic on-the-street interviews. In addition, five original pop songs and karaoke help reinforce new language. Top Notch TV is available in DVD or VHS format and comes packaged with photocopiale Activity Worksheets and Teaching Notes.The Top Notch TV Video Course can be used in a number of ways:博客來書店* As a complete video-based listening/speaking course that teaches key vocabulary, grammar, and social language* As a video-plus-workbook supplement to accompany the Top Notch textbook series* As a video-plus-workbook complement to any low-beginning to intermediate-level English language course* As a self-study or distance-learning video-plus-workbook programFor more information about the complete Top Notch course, visit www.longman.com/topnotch博客來網路書店博客來網路書局
動物思維:耶魯大學商學院不教的53條企業生存法則 | 商業的法則:101個破解商場之道,不進商學院,就能輕鬆學會的MBA精華 | ||
管理相對論 | 職場領導力小百科 | ||
忍者式創新:像殺手一樣執行破壞式創新的商戰奇襲者 | 獲利解秘方程式 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Joan Saslow/Allen Ascher
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/04/13
- 語言:英文
每日主打Top Notch (Fundamentals) TV Video Course獨家款
仙帝13 | 帝龍11 | 帝霸星空01 | 帝霸星空02 | ||||
星空藥帝06 | 唯我神尊03 | 超級藥師06 | 赫氏門徒39 | ||||
靈株10 | 武神碎片49 | 山神03 | 星武至尊08 |
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阿富汗和談前夕 驚爆塔利班頭目死亡2年
新頭殼newtalk 2015.07.30 洪翠蓮/綜合報導
阿富汗與塔利班武裝組織將於週五(31日)進行和談,但在此時傳出塔利班頭目奧馬爾(Mullah Omar)早已死亡2~3年的消息,儘管塔利班發言人堅稱奧馬爾仍活著,美國白宮卻指出奧馬爾的死亡報告可信度極高,也為週五的和談投下變數。